Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Surprising New Different To Unsafe Cleanliness Merchandise
A Surprising New Different To Unsafe Cleanliness Merchandise
Most people I talk to have no idea how many dangerous chemicals can be found in things like deodorant, and skin care products. Surprisingly, there are many products marketed as "natural," but also include hazardous chemicals that are actually poisoning their users chemically. This is extremely disturbing to me as these companies are targeting individuals who are willing to spend more on products they’re led to believe are healthy alternatives.

Although it's relatively well known that many deodorants contain toxic ingredients, many are shocked to learn of the real danger. One of the most concerning chemicals found in deodorant is aluminum. Aluminum has been shown to cause many significant health problems such as; breast cancer, alzheimer’s disease, brittle bones, autism, infertility, and damage to the central nervous system. Parabens, also found in deodorant and other skin care products, have estrogen-like properties, which cause breast cells (both normal and cancerous) to grow and divide - a process that has also been linked to breast cancer. These ingredients are of great concern when included in deodorants as they are easily absorbed into the into the lymph-nodes located in the armpits. Additionally, potassium aluminum sulfate, an ingredient that makes up 25% of most common deodorants, cannot be excreted from the body, which means that it builds up in the body over time, and can create significant health issues as people age.

A Healthy Alternative (That Works!)

At a young age, I began learning about the many destructive ingredients found in deodorants. This outrage propelled me to research organic alternatives, but I soon found that many of the products on the market either didn’t work, or included additional harmful ingredients. However, it wasn’t until I became a mother that my frustration led me to consider developing my own safe and effective alternative.

I began making a “wish list” of all the ingredients I’d love to see in an organic deodorant. Once my list was complete, I took to the kitchen and began experimenting with ingredient combinations until I found a blend that was not only safe, but that also worked great. I was thrilled when my husband came home after an intense workout, and smelled fresh! Friends who heard of the success began asking me to “cook some up” for them, and soon Ruma Organics was born.

Effective Organic Ingredients

organic deodorant
Ruma Organics Deodorant Cream is as natural as it gets. We use only the highest-quality natural ingredients, including; organic virgin coconut oil, organic corn starch, aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate, and essential oils. I’m excited that families now have a safe alternative to many of the harmful products being sold today. An organic deodorant that actually works!

Our organic deodorant comes in three essential oil scents; lemon, lavender, and peppermint. All have an amazing aroma (both before, and after an intense workout!).

To learn more about this healthy and organic deodorant alternative from Ruma Organics, please visit our website.

Also, please check back often as we'll be adding many new products in the weeks and months ahead that will help maintain a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.

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